Resivor dogs lost scene

my fav movie is resivor dogs by Stanley Kubrick, once, my friend, jermey told me that he has a lost scene from that movie, i was like "so fake bruh" so he told me to stop being a bitch and watch it
it was a scene where
mr brown is driving, when A ALIEN ship attacked the car, mr brown grab his gun and shot the alien, but the alien grab his freeze gun and froze his gun, after that, mr white saw somthing soooooooooooo spooky, the aliens, WERE SKELETONS, the skeletons run up to mr brown, and spooked him to death, when i watch the movie, i had to pause it and piss myself. but then, when i unpause. it was reveled that mr white is a skeleton, at the end, it said " this scene is deleted after stanly kubrick thought it was to spooky for normal people". to this day, i never saw this movie the same way again